Latest Greatest Marketplace scam
tom winter
tom at
Fri May 14 10:41:12 EDT 2004
on 5/14/04 3:56 AM, Richard Hoffman at billzcat1 at wrote:
> Hello All!
> Just listed a car for sale on the marketplace and got a great new scam
> email. Thought you guys might enjoy it!! :-D
> Here it is in its entirity:
> "Dear Sir/Madam.
> I tom smith, manager for morin smith automobile,Ports Corporation of
> Queensland GPO Box 409 Brisbane Qld 4001,Netherland.We specialise in
> purchase of automobiles for customers in Europe,and we get paid in
> commission,after payment has been confirmed by the seller to the buyer.At
> present we have a customer interested in purchasing your goods mentioned
> above for the sum of $2,500 and we will arrange for the pick up of the item
> once payment is confirmed cleared by you. Please acknowledge the offer and
> we will inform the buyer of your confirmation of acceptance to sell and
> have the funds remitted to you as soon as possible. NOTE:my customer is a
> diplomat and due to his job and duties he would want this to be kept in
> your almost conifidentiality and trust,till the end of this transaction.I
> hope you can understand. I look up to hearing from you.
> Thanks,
> Tom...."
> Now for my nitpicking of the world's stupidest criminals.
> *How many managers don't capitalize their own names or the name of their
> company?
> *How many "Queensland"s or "Brisbane"s are there in "Netherland"
> *I am following the letter to the word: I am keeping it in my "almost
> conifidentiality" (aside from the other terrible punctuation, spelling, and
> grammar mistakes)
> Sheesh!
> Richard
> and I'm not using this to get marketplace exposure so I'm not telling you
> what car I am selling! :-P
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tell 'em that you'll sell it to them for $1000 cash only! They can send
their "company representative" to meet w/ you in person to deliver the $$.
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