supercharged 90

n-engelbert at n-engelbert at
Mon May 17 10:24:11 EDT 2004

I believe the website was or something like
that.  I remember looking as well, didn't have $3500 to blow on something
unproven though.


Nathan Engelbert
83 UrQ DA900453
89 90q
91 200q20v

--- Tony Lum <tlum at> wrote:
> At 12:07 PM 5/14/2004 +0100, Alan Pritchard wrote:
> >Has anyone got any recollection of this? I found it
> on a website years ago,
> >2.3 supercharged,  ithink it was a us company.
> >
> >Best Regards,
> >Alan Pritchard
> >
> >Network Administrator
> >Mechanical Design Engineer
> >Seaeye Marine Ltd.
> >+44 (0)1329 289000
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >quattro mailing list
> >quattro at
> >
> I remember that company.  Had a bookmark to it at
> one time, but I think
> they've gone belly up.  The supercharger attached to
> a 90q  was a Lysholm
> Autorotor mounted where the power steering pump
> usually sits.  I think they
> were running 5 or 6 psi boost.  No intercooler, so I
> couldn't imagine them
> running more without severe pinging on the NG (10:1
> cr) engine.  The
> company was located in Colorado.  Inspired me to buy
> a Eaton SC from a
> Tbird SC off eBay just in case I tons of time on my
> hands and nothing to do ;^D

Maybe it was one of Dave Jones's bastards?  I was just
thinking the PS location would be perfect, but use an
IC of course.

Jim Green
'89 90tq
'89 80q

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