A couple sweet Avants whizzing by....

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Mon May 17 15:26:54 EDT 2004

At 11:35 AM -0700 5/17/04, Dan DiBiase wrote:
>What a bunch of idiots. Glad at least some of 'em got pulled over.

Yup, and not all by cops.  Notice the BMW getting pushed out a ditch, 
and all the footage of people passing trucks in the breakdown lane 

What you can't see are the gashes left by the lugs of an 18 wheeler's 
front wheel, all down the driver's side of the car.  The photos 
looked like the car had been an extra in a Jurassic Park remake.

Never screw around with/near something that has wheels taller than 
your roofline and numerous blindspots.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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