K24 diesel turbo advice

Alan Pritchard apritchard at seaeye.com
Tue May 18 10:13:04 EDT 2004

Hi guys, sat in my garage I have a turbo of a 2l 5cyl turbo diesel. It's a
k24, and checking thru scott M's site suggests that the hot side is similar
to that of the petrol variants, but I do not know about the compressor side.
This is an oil cooled unit. Has anyone got any dimensions of the petrol
compressor housing, or any advice to how suitable this would be, or
limiting. Also have a manifold but I am concerned about the cross section of
the runners being to small for a sensible hp petrol engine.  I know mike
gough has done this before, but I do not know what kind of output he had
from his quantum. I also have a t3 compressor assembly, which is good for
250 hp mark, and have considered hybridizing the two, which appears to need
minimal work, any btdt's appreciated.  

Best Regards,
Alan Pritchard

Network Administrator
Mechanical Design Engineer
Seaeye Marine Ltd.
+44 (0)1329 289000

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