Looking for Brett Dikeman

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Mon May 24 21:39:22 EDT 2004

At 12:15 AM +0000 5/25/04, l.leung at juno.com wrote:
>Thanks, but I believe Brett intends to build
>a case against any whom misuse the audifans
>website, web addy or misrepresent themselves
>as being an accepted member of audifans. I
>recall that he wanted any suspicious posts
>to be forwarded to him, totally intact, headers
>included. I just can't find his e-mail.

Tip- to find someone's email address, just search the archives for 
their name and "2004" or "2003".  As we all know Google is royally 
screwed as far as Audifans in 2004 is concerned, despite my efforts- 
but there's still stuff from 2003 apparently.

As many can attest, I post far too often and the archives are 
littered with such shining gems as:


...and I think my all-time best:


Somewhere buried in there is the very first post I ever wrote, when I 
was 16, asking about sun visors on 5000's...yikes.

Of course neither of the above posts has my current address(not even 
close), but I think I just chewed you out a week or two ago for not 
(AHEM) trimming quoted text in your posts ;-)

Anyway, I get plenty of viruses and spam, so I really don't need any 
more :-).  Thanks for the offer though.

   Viruses have been faking return addresses and headers for years 
now- the most recent ones send pretty obvious fake administrative 
messages.and such.  Nothing we can really do about it; we run 
antivirus software filtering all mail(all list messages get scanned 
twice, once in, once out) and attachments are not permitted.

If you ever get an emailed virus or trojan, I can virtually guarantee 
it didn't come from the lists- more likely another lister's infected 
system, scanning their mailbox/address book.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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