tapping the qlist collective..

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Tue May 25 18:02:42 EDT 2004

earlier this spring my 88 5ktq avant suddenly starting knocking nastily.
at the time I was short on time so I just yanked the engine out of my 86
5ktq sedan and put it in the avant as that is the nicest one
cosmetically.  The sedan has now been completely parted and the treasure
trove of spare parts are neatly tucked away in my storage shed....did I
say 'neatly' LOL - I've got little bits stashed all over the place.
Anyway, I finally found a bit of time to dig into the old engine this
weekend, but unfortunately did not get very far.
First off, I find it interesting that there is a lot of talk about
snapped exhaust manifold studs.  On both this car and the 84 5kt that I
parted out previously, all of the nuts came off no problem.  also, both
the exhaust manifolds were cracked, as is the one on the engine that
went into the avant - I've had 3 I5 turbos and all 3 had cracked
a couple questions:
1.  What do you need to get those head bolts out?  Are they torx or
triple square?
2.  When I took the intake manifold off (now there were some stuck
bolts!), the rearmost bolt hole leaked oil as soon as it was cracked
loose.  Is this normal? does that bolt go through to an oil gallery?
That wouldn't make much sense and I'm wondering if it's related to the
malfunction the engine experienced.
I'm hoping to find something obvious that went wrong in this engine, so
that I can be sure that it is a good rebuild candidate.  Then do a bit
of a build up and swap it back into the avant.  I'd hate to open it up
and not be able to see anything physically wrong.  I wouldn't feel
comfortable rebuilding an engine that knocked without knowing 'why' it
was knocking.

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