'89 200T block question
sparkplugvw at hotmail.com
Wed May 26 10:05:31 EDT 2004
I tought use my MC-1 block with with the 2.3 head..... Ben is doing similar
My 90 is 2.3 not 2.22. The 2..2 in on my 5000TQ 1987.... 2.15 on 5000T
You want to use 200TQ pistons on the 2.3 NA block right ? to lower the
----- Original Message -----
From: Alan Pritchard <apritchard at seaeye.com>
To: 'DePenning, Charles [EPM/MTN]' <Charles.DePenning at EmersonProcess.com>;
<quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 9:39 AM
Subject: RE: '89 200T block question
> Id be very interested on keeping up to date on this, I looked into a
> operation, using low comp pistons in my 90q. as I have the ng head (big
> valves) and kv bottom end (supposedly oil squirted) it was a logical
> decision to use this engine and turbo charge it. There was an issue I
> recall with different big end sizes between the turbo and na engines, my
> is 2226 cc so it shares same bore and stroke of some of the turbo engines,
> but the main issue was with rods, ie bearing sizes, either at the small
> or big end, there may also be an issue with rod length, I don't completely
> recall. But I would still be very interested in finding out if the pistons
> are compatible, if you have your 200 engine apart, would you be able to
> some piston and rod dimensions please. Ie conrod bearing sizes, and
> between eyes. And on the pistons, the top of piston to gudgeon pin. Then
> perhaps I can find some 90 engine specs.
> Thanks.
> Best Regards,
> Alan Pritchard
> Network Administrator
> Mechanical Design Engineer
> Seaeye Marine Ltd.
> +44 (0)1329 289000
> -----Original Message-----
> From: DePenning, Charles [EPM/MTN]
> [mailto:Charles.DePenning at EmersonProcess.com]
> Sent: 26 May 2004 14:28
> To: 'quattro at audifans.com'
> Subject: '89 200T block question
> I recently acquired another donor patient, a late '89 200T (MC2) with a
> 'ventilated' block- #1 rod broke and poked a hole through the case right
> the ac compressor. I'd like to use this as a donor vehicle to provide
> for a '89 90q turbo swap. The question is a matter of block
> interchangeability. Could I use the block from the 90q, hone it, drop
> compression pistons in in place of the 10:1 pistons originally in there
> be done with it? Or is the block for the '89 200T sufficiently different
> enough that it would not work? I figure there are the oil-squirters for
> piston cooling, and maybe the bosses for the dual knock-sensors are not
> there. Any other differences (like the displacement?) that I am
> inexperienced enough to not know about? Would this be FrankenAudi?
> Or, does anyone have an appropriate block that I could take off their
> on the cheap?
> TIA!
> Charley DePenning
> '01 XJ
> '89 90q
> '89 200T
> '84 4kQ
> '83 5kT
> '73 C10
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