what this BS?

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Fri May 28 13:54:29 EDT 2004

Audi actually buys it's tools from someone else, and charges a nice
markup for the trouble.  Go to your local Hazet, Facom, Mantra, Elora
etc. tool distributor, and look through their catalogs.  When I was in
Europe I stopped in at a tool distributor, and found that all of the
special VW/Audi tools were available through their various supplier
catalogs.  Facom seemed to have the best prices on the specialty tools I
looked up at the time.


<apritchard at seaeye.com> writes:

> guy in the parts department then informed me that Audi had said to them
> are not allowed to supply any more tools to the public!!!! Its only the
> that I prepaid for the locker that I could have it!!!!

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