MORE hydroplaning

Richard Tanimura rictan302 at
Sat May 29 02:35:11 EDT 2004

Hi Scott,

--- SuffolkD at wrote:
> Gent(s):

> Richard:  When the front tire encounters a water
> puddle, it is slowed down 
> greatly, while the rear tires continue to chur-n on
> before meeting this same 
> (puddle) to be also slowed down greatly. 

If you mean wheel rotational velocity slows down, I
don't quite agree. The coefficient of friction is
basically zero when you plane.

> Also, when you hit this puddle, if its not head on
> by BOTH front tires, the 
> car with want to "pivot" around the slower (front in
> this example) tire.

In a rigid body, both axels are moving at the same
speed. There is no slower end.

> I suspect these factors where more the reason than a
> slight axle alignment 
> issue.
> However, any alignment issue deminishes your highest
> speed before, or 
> resistance to some event like this mentioned here.
> HTH - Scott by BOSTON

According to your reasoning, the back end would have
stepped out when the front wheels hit the puddle and
slowed down. Didn't happen that way.

I know that because the timing is very easy to verify.
You hear the splash sound from the front wheel well
and then the rear wheel well. The axel stepped out on
the second splash. Remember, after recovering from the
spin, I tested this at lower speeds several times. The
back end moved when the back end hit the water.

But as ever YMMV,


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