A/c system full of 134 but has a mind of its own...ideas?

Obin Olson oolsen1 at ec.rr.com
Sat May 29 12:19:39 EDT 2004

hello all, I took my a/c system apart last year put in new seals new dryer new orface thingy and filled it up with 134 and new oil..worked great last year NO problems at all..now this year it works great WHEN it comes on...seems like the pattern is when it's cold in the morning and I first start it MAY come on and cool if it does it will stay cooling for say maybe 10-20min of driving then it will stop compression and NEVER come on again that day..next morning it may or may not come on but it never comes on in the same day after it shuts down....what in the world could this be? the A/C relay IS clicking when you push the A/C button ON inside but the compressor is NOT getting 12v..if I jump the compressor it will work and cool...what could cause the thing to shut down after a while and not start again till the next day??

thanks for any help on this weird issue

could it be a bad water temp sender in the engine? if so what one? 

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