Audi quantum alarms

Alan Pritchard apritchard at
Mon Nov 1 08:08:48 EST 2004

iain, any info you have on this would be great, i have one fitted to mine,
but never worked, i dont have a key and it appears to be totally bodged into
all the electricals, too kit out once, and everything, windows, locks
stopped working. so anything you find out would be cool.

-----Original Message-----
From: Iain Atkinson [mailto:iain.atkinson at]
Sent: 01 November 2004 12:34
To: quattro at
Subject: Audi quantum alarms

Don't know if anyone can help with this, my 90 is fitted with 1990's vintage
quantum alarm system that used to close the sunroof, central locking and
front electric windows, battery went flat on me on saturday and since then
it won't close the sunroof or the windows, still locks the car though. Any
ideas what's up???



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