5kt/200 euros bulbs, clunk check

Chris Dyer chrisdyer at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 2 18:07:47 EST 2004

Just aquired 5kt/200 euros. Currently waiting on harness and replacement 
lens.  Whilst I wait, I need to get some bulbs. I've decided to stick 
w/"regular" 55/60W bulbs. Any brands that are preferred over others? Any to 
avoid? Good online purchasing sources?

Clunk check: sometimes while braking/braking + turning or during abrupt 
acceleration (I never do that) I hear a rattle or "clunking". It sounds like 
it's coming from front driver's side area. What to check? (Car is '87 5ktq) 
Wrench just did brake check, replaced rear pads. Only just noticed clunk 
when I turned the radio down! (kids these days)


from chrisdyer at hotmail.com

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