typ44 - who carries the radiator w/ the metal side/hose

sjensen at mindspring.com sjensen at mindspring.com
Tue Nov 2 19:02:17 EST 2004

"Buono" said

<<I am going through the same research.  The all metal Modine unit is
available from radiator express for under $180.
aaia_id=1007918> &part_id=129&aaia_id=1007918
I am down between this one and the OEM AKG unit... it lasted all of this
time... it cannot be all that bad.>>

I did this search over two years ago and ended up calling Modine directly. 
They told me they no longer make a radiator for the type 44 with the metal
end tanks.  The current one is a plastic tanked model made in Brazil.  I
posted about it at the time and its in the archives somewhere.

As an aside, when I talked to one of the online vendors they swore up and
down the Modine was a metal end tanked model, was pretty pissed when I
opened it up and found plastic end tanks.  But by that time I was tired of
fighting with vendors...

-Steve Jensen
87 5kcstq 

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