AC removal on 87 4kq

Shawn Manny shawn.manny at
Fri Nov 5 17:25:32 EST 2004

all the weight I can remove the better...the compressor and lines are
gone, the back seat, carpet, glove box are gone as
well...soundeadening and carpet are next to meet the dumpster along
with the evaporator...I need to get it down to fighting weight for the its fun...
The glove box is out..anyone want it? So now I can see the evap., and
now that I know how to remove'll be gone after the next
wrench seassion.
I should be able to pull the gas tank to have it cleaned finally as
wel...maybe the car will run for more than 30miles and not eat a pump
at the same time...
Thanks for the help guys, you've been great so far...


On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 12:28:30 -0800 (PST), Ti Kan <ti at> wrote:
> Shawn Manny writes:
> > how do you get the unit behind the glove box out? I dont know what its
> > called, looks like a cooler has a high and low psi line comming into
> > it, a thermocouple, drip tube,etc..
> That's the evaporator.
> > I got everything but the unit and firewall lines do I get
> > the unit out? I see two screws into tinermans nuts but they look like
> > they are only accessible if I pull the there another way?
> > can I yank it out?
> The glove box has to come out first, at the very least.
> -Ti
> --
> Ti Kan
> Vorsprung durch Technik

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