89 Audi 200 Turbo starter

Phil Payne quattro at isham-research.com
Sat Nov 6 11:43:33 EST 2004

> Hi, We got a starter for my 89 Audi 200 Turbo Auto Non-Q and when my hubby went to put it in
he finds he cannot get the old one out . . . . is there a trick to this or does he need a
special tool?   If so, where would be a good place to get one.   We are in Flagstaff,  AZ, now
:-)    Cheers,  Fay and Jim

This may be late, but if it's an auto it will have the notorious T-bolt.  Loosen the upper
bolt, crack the nut on the other end of the T-bolt, and hold the T piece with ViseGrips or
similar.  With the upper bolt loose, the weight of the starter helps to hold the T bolt while
you undo it.

Throw it somewhere.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803

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