Telephone pole ate my car - 1988 90q

Larry C Leung l.leung at
Mon Nov 8 15:17:16 EST 2004


I feel your pain. Had a similar incident happen to my 7 regional
SCCA Solo2 championship winning GTi, except it was a Japanese
red maple that bisected the roof of the car, Zagato style. Of course
that was better than the 80 ft oak that trashed the kitchen of my Mom's
house during the same storm. Best of luck to you.

LL - NY - running solo, without the car....

> Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 11:48:08 -0500
> From: Brendan <mailinglist at>
> Subject: Telephone pole ate my car - 1988 90q
> To: quattro at
> Message-ID: <200411081148.08877.mailinglist at>
> Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="us-ascii"
> The car Swanson sold me is toast.
> He came by to see the body and mourn with me.
> Pole was in front of my house, and missed me by 10 feet, while I was 
> inside, 
> eating Cheerio's and watching Saturday morning cartoons.
> Looks like I will be parting it out, and looking for another 
> suitable pole 
> victim:
> + 10v 90, not an 80 or 100
> + quattro
> + no major mechanical/electrical/rust problems
> + ski sack if possible
> + driveable/inspected/registered/insured - no lawn statues
> + in the NE US would be awesome, but others will be considered
> This is just general interest. Sorry if it sounds like an ad.
> Thanks,
> Brendan

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