Draining/flushing pentosin

Matt Evans matt at mattevans.org
Mon Nov 8 22:39:53 EST 2004

I just did this on my 88 90Q.

If you want to really flush the system, detach the reservoir.  Then unclamp
the reservoir return line.

On A B3 90Q, you have to move the coolant expansion tank to do this, and if
you're missing your charcoal filter like I am, you can fit a milk jug or
other similar large bottle in the hole you made moving stuff.  Put one end
of the return line into the mouth of the jug, prop the PS pump up at an
angle (there's a hole in the bottom, after all) and put some new fluid in

Have a friend start the motor and keep pouring in new fluid.  Watch the
quality/color of the old fluid.  When it looks like you're spraying brand
new $15/l fluid everywhere, shut off the car.  Re-attach the return hose to
the reservoir, top up the fluid in the reservoir, and decide if you think
you can re-use the old fluid.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com 
> [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Andrew Duane
> Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 1:17 PM
> To: Quattro List
> Subject: Draining/flushing pentosin
> IIRC, you are supposed to replace the pentosin in your car
> every two years. Since my car is 4 years old, I figure it's time.
> Rather than paying a shop $80/hour to do it, plus the markup on the
> liquid gold itself, I seem to remember using a turkey baster or
> siphon to just get all the oil out of the reservoir and refill it.
> That should get most of it.
> Any tips or improvements to this technique? And how much pentosin
> will I need to refill a 2000 A6Q?
> -- 
> Andrew Duane            Member Technical Staff - ATG
> SavaJe Technologies     andrew at savaje.com
> 100 Apollo Drive        p: 978.856.4943
> Chelmsford, MA 01824    f: 978.256.8386
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