Subframe, Swaybar and Control Arm Replacement Nuts and Bolts

Matt Evans matt at
Fri Nov 12 02:00:19 EST 2004

Unless the t44 is vastly different then the 89 in this regard, then I have
to disagree :)

I just removed all 4 control arms, and all 8 CA bushings.  I bead blasted
and finished the control arms, and then put new bushings back in.

I bought brand new zinc coated metric 10.9 bolts from a local store called
"Mac's Hardware".  They have an entire wall of metric hardware in black,
stainless, and zinc dichromate.

They sell this hardware for $4.99/lb.

Only gotcha - the items I took off were 17mm, the ones I put on were 16mm.
Same thread pitch, shaft diameter, etc.  Just different fastener sizes,
oddly enough.

I'll mail the list if my bolts snap and my control arms come flying off from
not using dealer bolts :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at 
> [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On Behalf Of Ameer Antar
> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:54 PM
> To: Brett Goetz
> Cc: Quattro List
> Subject: Re: Subframe, Swaybar and Control Arm Replacement 
> Nuts and Bolts
> I don't think you can buy these nuts and bolts from anywhere 
> but the dealer. You should take a look at the family album, 
> get the part numbers, and place the order in to your dealer. 
> The nuts and bolts are special pitch and stronger than the 
> usual 8.8 class hardware, that are not available from 
> BoltDepot and maybe not even McMaster unless you buy a box of 
> 100. I remember going through the same repairs, but I decided 
> to go to the dealer due to these factors. 
> Also the subframe bolts are single-use items (as mentioned in 
> the Bentley), b/c they're strech bolts. They are supposed to 
> be torqued to a low value, then turned 180 degrees I believe. 
> Once they're stretched, you'll have a lot of trouble torquing 
> them even to that low value. You should really drive another 
> car if at all possible, as these bolts are pretty important 
> in holding the car up. Those bolts are your main problem, but 
> I also think the control arm bolts are a special design too. 
> Keep in mind that you shouldn't re-use lock-nuts either. good luck.
> -Ameer
>    ----Original Message----
>    Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 12:25:58 -0500
>    From: "Brett Goetz" <brett.goetz at>
>    Subject: Subframe, Swaybar and Control Arm Replacement 
> Nuts and Bolts
>    To: quattro at
>    Message-ID: <4193A0A6.8090108 at>
>    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
>    I've been reading about getting replacement nuts and bolts 
> for the front 
>    end of my car online from Bolts Depot or the local John 
> Deere or Cat 
>    dealer.  I would like to do it, but my '88 5KCST is my 
> only form of 
>    transportation.  Does anyone out there know the length, thread and 
>    strength  for the following parts?
>    Subframe bolts
>    Front Swaybar bolts
>    Rear Swaybar nuts
>    Control Arm nuts and bolts
>    I have replaced all of the bushings and the control arms 
> and should have 
>    replaced them at that time, but I didn't.  Now I'm dealing with a 
>    squeaky front end because of old hardware that won't 
> torque right.  This 
>    way I can order them online without taking my car off the road.
>    Thanks
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