Subframe, Swaybar and Control Arm Replacement Nuts and Bolts

Andrew Duane andrew at
Fri Nov 12 11:39:03 EST 2004

When I did my '89 100Q many years ago, one of the dealers we had a 
parts "arrangement" with had sort of a freshining up pack of all the
right bushings and stuff. Most dealers seem to know what gets replaced.

Hairy green toads from Mars made Nick Lawrence say:
> With all this advice about replacing critical fasteners, has anyone who
> recently done this project compiled a p/n list to have in hand when
> going to the parts dealer.
> Thanks 
> Nick


Andrew Duane            Member Technical Staff - ATG
SavaJe Technologies     andrew at
100 Apollo Drive        p: 978.856.4943
Chelmsford, MA 01824    f: 978.256.8386

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