type 44 question (5k/100/200)

David Kavanagh audiguy at gmail.com
Sun Nov 14 08:58:06 EST 2004

ok. Could  be that multi-function temp sensor (that 3 or 4 pin sensor
hanging under the water snout on the head). I've also had to replace
those. My indication was that the temp guage always read low, but it
provides signals for other things also...

On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 13:34:52 +0200, Gerard <gerard at 2226.co.za> wrote:
> > no...keeps running like crap..  until i shut it off and restart it.
> > ps the radiator and thermostat are new, if thats what your asking.. i dont
> > see what this has to do with coolant tho??
> I think he is getting at the fact that it might be a warm up problem and
> related to perhaps the sensor on the water unit which works in
> conjunction with the idle stage and ISV. If I recall correctly ofcourse.
> --
>   gerard at 2226.co.za
>   cape town, south africa
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