Headlight Wiring Harness, is this good enough?

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Sun Nov 14 11:50:51 EST 2004

200W/12V  ~ 17 Amps.

To the best of my knowledge, the SUV harness comes with 30 A
relays and fuses. It's the wires that are the limitation here, the risk
is melting insulation, which if they use the same wire as they used
on my harness, is rated to 105C. 

If you run things as designed, the standard Heavy Duty harness will
be marginal, but acceptable, especially if you run the wires in the
(as you should, protects against abrasion). One suggestion to improve
the margin if you use this set-up, run your wires carefully, and cut-off
excess wire + conduit, thus reducing the resistance load. I am running
the SUVLighting HD harness on my T44turbo (55/60W+55W high) and have
had no problems, but I WON'T run 100W bulbs of any kind in this system,
there just isn't the margin in the wires needed to run these for extended
periods (quick flashes are okay).

If you want to run the hi+lo (360W/12 ~ 30A) run together mod, you will
 the Super Heavy Duty. BTW, this isn't optically, the best idea. The
of low beam light closer to the front of the car will tend to draw your
eye closer 
into the car, not what you want to do if you need to run High Beams. It
brighter, but as I said, human nature tends to defeat the purpose of the
high beam, 
AND there is no extra light being projected further ahead, which is the
purpose of 
the high beam in the first place. 

So, the drawbacks, bad lighting in terms of the human/optical system,
extra current draw, and extra heat. The gains: more light to blind other 


> Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2004 10:17:47 -0500
> From: David <duandcc_forums at cox.net>
> Subject: Headlight Wiring Harness, is this good enough?
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Message-ID:
<20041114151747.BDIP20686.lakermmtao07.cox.net at smtp.east.cox.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> I have a 1987 Audi COupe GT with Euro headlights (typ85 80 lights). 
> Right now I am running with the stock wiring and 60/55w H4 bulbs. I 
> want to run 100/80 watt bulbs and use a relayed wiring harness to 
> lower voltage drop and lessen the chances of melting anyting. So, 
> given that I want to run 100/80w H4s, are these pecs good enough?
> "New & Improved Wire Harness features:
> * 2 OEM Bosch/Tyco (Potter & Brumfield) 40 amp relays (single & dual 
> 87 outputs)
> * Heavy Duty interlocking relay sockets with mounting tab
> * Fusible link (slow reacting fuse protection) 12 heavy gauge 
> automotive wiring
> * Black split loom matches OEM to protect against heat and elements
> * Male connector(s) to plug into existing headlight socket
> * (2 or 4) new headlight sockets (depending on application)
> The Heavy Duty models are 14 gauge wire.
> They also offer a H4 Super Heavy Duty model is 12 gauge and uses 4 
> relays. But it's quite a bit more expensive and if I don't need it, 
> I will just get the Heavy Duty one...
> Also, they offer a mod to their harnesses that allow you to keep 
> your low beam on when you turn on the high beam. Good idea or bad? 
> If I got it and was running the 100/80w bulbs, that wwould be 180w 
> combined per bulb. Down sides? Too much heat? Too much current draw?
> TIA!
> Dave
> 1987 Coupe GT Special Build 2.3 
> All in SE VA

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