4Kq fueling issues

Shawn Manny shawn.manny at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 10:45:42 EST 2004

My 4Kq (manual, 1987) has an odd issue, it will run and drive like a
champ for 30+/- miles, then sputter, buck and die...it will idle, the
fuel pump is buzzing at this point as well. If I shut it off for 1/2
hour it will do another 30+/- miles then repeat above symptoms. I have
replaced, both fuel filters, the pump (three times), air filter,
plugs, wires, cap, rotor, ground straps and oil/filter. I have heard
this is due to a screen in the fuel tank clogging with sediment, also
this could be caused by a relay overheating???? Those who have BTDT
can you shed some light on my car? I just got to drive it for the
first time in 3 months yesterday and cant wait to fix this issue....


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