Wheel balancing 101

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Nov 18 11:23:45 EST 2004

The guy I used to use for mechanical work on Slobs (his specialty) and the
4kq (he didn't like the complexity of 5kqs so I started doing my own,
thanks to Audifans.com) is a big fan to motorcycling.  He told me once
about some sort of tire seal goo that also provided dynamic tire balancing.
 It was supposed to seal up punctures that might occur while riding and it
also flowed around inside the tire, serving to balance the wheel.

At 08:28 AM 11/18/2004 -0700, Keith Lawyer wrote:
>Equal.  It allegedly works well for truckers.  It's very sensitive to
>moisture and will clump from water or oil (make sure your air is clean).
> I wouldn't do it.  What's wrong with weights?
>If you wanna do powder you'd arguably see better results from an
>ethylene glycol mix or bb's (ball bearings).  I'm serious.  Very common
>in the off-road world with 38"+ tires that are *difficult* to balance. 
>In contrast any Audi tire is EASY to balance, so why not go with wheel
>There's also Centramatic wheel balancers but I dunno if they'll fit an
>Keith L
>>>> Robert Myers <robert at s-cars.org> 11/18/04 06:38AM >>>
>I took my new snow tires to my local tire shop for mounting and 
>balancing.  While there I was told of a powder substance which can be 
>placed inside a tire and which will provide automatic perfect balancing
>you drive.  If this actually works, and it sounds like it might, it may
>a very good development.  I was given no name for the stuff.
>Does anyone have any knowledge of this?  Any BTDTs?
>Random Bushism: "Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it
>in nature because it is a product that we can find in our
>George W. Bush, Austin, Texas, Dec. 20, 2000
>Robert Myers  304-574-2372
>Fayetteville, WV
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>quattro at audifans.com

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