[urq] Into the CIS abyss

Martin pajak martin at quattro.ca
Thu Nov 18 12:11:36 EST 2004


O2 meter is a must on a turbo car.
It's easy... one wire to +12, one ground and one spliced into O2 signal.
That's all.  I have Autometer on my '85 and am very happy with it.

Hope this helps.
Martin Pajak


1983 Audi Ur-quattro (305,000 km) In storage
1985 Audi Ur-quattro (203,000 km) Euro spec. import mit 3B ;o)
1986 Audi 4000s quattro (266,000 km) winter car
1971 Porsche 911T (45,000 mi) all original

-----Original Message-----
From: urq-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:urq-bounces at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of DGraber460 at aol.com
Sent: 18-Nov-04 12:08
To: urq at audifans.com; quattro at audifans.com
Subject: [urq] Into the CIS abyss

Last night I ventured into the black abyss of CIS experimentation. I know
some that's a 4 letter word, but have mercy.
Since I acquired my WXd 83 URQ (and 2 motors since) it has not been
consistant or impressive at full throttle. Ever!
So- I pulled 2 fuel distributors from the local boneyard. The plan was to
have 1 to experiment with, one stock with which to return to the
original spec, and my original.

I put one on the car last night and adjusted the allen screws under the
next to the fuel lines out (counterclockwise- rich) 45 degrees each.
The preliminary results are YEEHAAAAAAAAAA! Full throttle as it was
to be. All the way to redline, and not just in 3rd gear. I will now  check
the plugs routinely for indications of rich/lean etc. The frequency valve
dials right in, so I don't feel I have gone over the edge with  mixture.
Maybe I should put together a fuel ratio meter? Anyone who has done that
could talk a non electric dummy through the process would be greatly
More real life driving impressions to follow, but so far it is an amazing


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