Brake light 88 5kqt
Robert Myers
robert at
Fri Nov 19 18:39:32 EST 2004
Obviously you forgot to remove the light bulb! ;-)
Sorry, just being a smart-ass again. What is the fill level for the
fluid? It should actually be a little above the full mark.
At 03:34 PM 11/19/2004 -0800, Robert Woerner wrote:
>We had the brake light on ,replaced the bomb ,light went out ...had a
>leak in ps system , replaced shifter bushings , steering rack { torn
>boots } and tie rods. Just put ps fluid container back on ,hooked up
>the hoses , filled the resovior ,turned on the car and THE BRAKE LIGHT
>IS BACK ON ! An y ideas why or what we could have or are doing wrong
>....going crazy .. help
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