I your HO is this request real?

Sean Ford audi_99_a6q at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 21 04:35:22 EST 2004

It's a scam. When I put my winter wheels up for sale, I was contacted by
someone asking the same types of questions. The last email assured me that they
were going to send a check for $3k (my asking price is $200) and that I needed
to forward some money back to them, but to keep an extra $100 for my troubles. 


--- RickSiev <nsievering at comcast.net> wrote:

> I just posted an ad in the market place for my 1989 200tq and received this
> response. It dosen't sound right. Has any one else seen it?
>  From:   @outgun.com
> Hello And Good Day, 
> I dicovered you have a Item for sale.I'm Interested in purcashing the Item.i
> would like to know the least amount which you are offering to sell the Item
> off and also would like to know the present condition.,and i will be handling
> shipping company I would also want more descriptions too.I would be expecting
> to read from you soon. 
> Thanks..

Sean [1999 A6 2.8q]

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