Mechanics in the Twin Cities, MN

DHF fifieldmccann at
Mon Nov 22 15:14:43 EST 2004

Ahmad asked:

Anybody out there living in the twin city area that would recommend an audi
mechanic? I live near NE MPLS and there is a new shop that moved called Good
Carma...anybody have experince with them?


Ahmad - I use Anderson Motorsport for the stuff I don't do myself
(952-937-8639).  Someone stuck a Good Carma magnetic refridge sign on my car
one day.  I have it stuck to my toolbox, but I have never given them a call.

What are you trying to do?  I'm located near White Bear Lake.

Douglas in MN
95.5 S//6 Avant
MTM+, BIRA3, Samco's

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