V12 XKE sighting
Sean Ford
audi_99_a6q at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 23 19:27:57 EST 2004
Oh, Kent, you've hit on my other favorite marque, Jaguar. I must have a thing
for heavy maintenance bills. ;-)
We've got a '97 Vanden Plas sitting in the driveway next to my A6. Driving the
Jaguar is always an event, and while it's not in the same league as the A6 when
it comes to sporting feel, I always get out of the Jag wishing my Audi rode as
--- Kent McLean <kentmclean at mindspring.com> wrote:
> I was on my way from Concord NH to Nashua, on the Everett
> Turnpike in Merrimack, when I passed a bee-you-tee-full
> mid-70s Jaguar XKE V12 roadster, in a nice dark blue with
> chrome wire wheels. I passed it because it was abandoned
> in the breakdown lane, as one would expect of an old Jaguar.
> :-) Oh, how I'd love a headache like that.
Sean [1999 A6 2.8q]
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