Missing in action - resolved!!!

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Oct 2 17:40:39 EDT 2004

How about a thin spacer beneath the attachment so tightening the fastner
can't pressure the wiring?  

At 04:17 PM 10/2/2004 -0400, Robert Myers wrote:
>I was clutching at straws.  Ed Kellock tossed me yet another straw.  Try 
>swapping the plug cigars.  Well, it was brand new but what the heck.  So I 
>swapped cigar #1 for cigar #4.  Reinstalled the coil pack loosely.  I just 
>screwed one of the four Allen head bolts (#2) which holds it down loosely 
>in place with only mild hand supplied compression of the springs.  Fired 
>the engine up and - BEHOLD!!! - no miss!  OK, why a miss when it was at #4 
>and not with it at #1?  Iss a puzzlement.  OK, let's fasten it down 
>properly.  Left the engine running and put in screw #4 and tightened it 
>some and then went back to #2 to tighten it some more.  Then back to #4 for 
>some more tightening.  Suddenly it started missing again.  Hmmmm...  Backed 
>off of #4 a bit and the miss went away.  Tightened it a bit and it came 
>back.  Loosened it again and the miss went away again.  It was consistent>
>OK - I have a clue.  Tightening those bolts puts some squeeze on the 
>wiring.  Something is either coming separated or is being forced together 
>while tightening the bolt.  It's time for some more extremely close and 
>careful checking of the recently redone wiring harness.
>Pulled the coil pack once again and examined the wiring harness where it 
>passes through the little clamp designed to hold the wiring in place.  Aha, 
>the wires for #4 cylinder are being compressed very tightly one against the 
>other.  Took the clamp off and looked closely there appears to be an almost 
>microscopic spot where the insulation (shrink wrap) has been cut through by 
>heat and pressure leaving the wires in contact with each other. and 
>shorting out (by-passing) the #4 primary windings.  I fixed the situation 
>and reinstalled the coil pack once again, this time with all the screws 
>fully tightened.  The miss is gone!  (Yippee!!!)   Now the question 
>remains, "For how long?"  It looks like perhaps shrink wrap is not the best 
>insulation to used under the conditions experienced in this location.
>Can someone recommend a better insulating material to use for this 
>job?  Preferably one which is fairly readily available.  I don't mind 
>redoing the job once again provided it meets with fairly permanent success.
>Random Bushism: "More Muslims have died at the hands of killers than - I 
>say more Muslims - a lot of Muslims have died - I don't know the exact 
>count - at Istanbul. Look at these different places around the world where 
>there's been tremendous death and destruction because killers kill." George 
>W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 29, 2004
>Robert Myers  304-574-2372
>Fayetteville, WV
>urS6 - Cashmere Grey
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at audifans.com

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