Differences between 2WD and Quattro (T-89)

fdekat fdekat at sentex.net
Mon Oct 4 14:03:57 EDT 2004

Ooops.. I guess I didn't make myself too clear..

MArtin DID cut his losses, and stopped the wild project after getting the
floorpan in. And he DID buy a so-so urq that he's now fixed up (and has for
sale in the 'for sale' section, if I'm not mistaken).
It's all on his website..  http://www.quattro.ca


>Too late to cut his losses I guess.  I also suspect he wishes he had
>bought  a so-so URQ and restored it, would have cost him the same in time
>and money, and he'd be done by now.  Then again, sometimes the trip is
>much more enjoyable than actually arriving at the destination. 


"fdekat" <fdekat at sentex.net> writes:

> >http://www.quattro.ca/1982CQ/1982CQ.htm
> I've seen that project a few months ago...  It has progressed is 
> that the
> floor is welded in, and some suspension is loosely connected. 
> Basically, jsut an empty bodyshell.
> Even Martin conceded that it was easier to but a 'real' urq, then 
> mess around
> with swapping floorpans!
> No matter how you look at it, it's a LOT of work...

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