20 valve turbo coolant loss

Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC Anthony.Hoffman at tinker.af.mil
Wed Oct 6 10:46:26 EDT 2004

 The other place I'd check is the oil. Your coolant can go into the
cylinder, oil, or out the side of the seam if the headgasket if it blows. It
just depends on what spot decides to blow first.

Tony Hoffman

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of Kneale Brownson
Sent: 06-Oct-2004 9:29 AM
To: McCohens at aol.com; quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: 20 valve turbo coolant loss

>Don't most head/head gasket issues result in greater pressure in the
cooling system?  
>I'd look first for something that leaks while the engine is running.
>Neighbor's Envoy did the same thing, but there was never a puddle under the
>car where he parked.   He let it idle after a good warm-up drive and
>discovered that when hot, something in the water pump would expand enough
to allow leakage that only occurred while the engine was hot and running.
>At 09:35 AM 10/6/2004 -0400, McCohens at aol.com wrote:
>>I am seeing an empty burp tank every morning on my wife's 91 200Q.  No 
>>leaks, no white smoke out the exhaust.  A pressure test showed a small 
>>drop over time but nothing that terrible.
>>My mechanic is hesitant to take the car in as he has seen cracked heads 
>>on these in the past and has had problems finding good ones as a
>>Any other experience in this area?  Never saw this sort of issue on the 
>>list before.  If my mechanic is correct what is the going rate for a good

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