Heater Core-ectomy Gory Details Part 2

sdewitt at stx.rr.com sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Thu Oct 7 12:14:02 EDT 2004

Yikes! sounds like a hack job to me! So I guess removing the entire heater core box was impossible?

----- Original Message -----
From: mwoodland at Valicor.com
Date: Thursday, October 7, 2004 10:20 am
Subject: Heater Core-ectomy Gory Details Part 2

> With the heater box now exposed, make a cut (#1) directly behind 
> the metal
> hold-down strap, as close as possible to the raised trough that 
> contains the
> strap. If there are triangular reinforcing gussets, cut through 
> these also.
> The cut will extend across the top. and down the drivers side to 
> the top
> left corner of the opening for the heater core inlet/outlet. 
> This same cut (#1) will extend down the passenger side, to a 
> squared off
> protrusion on the heater box. (Here's where the photos would help..)
> With the air flap cable disconnected, actuate the linkages by hand 
> to move
> them out of harms way. Cutting these off would be a bad thing.
> A series of cuts can be made from the passenger side, the first 
> from the top
> left of the protrusion, in line with the car, straight down, 
> approximately1/8" in from the edge, to ensure that you are clear 
> of the left wall. Extend
> this cut forward, across the top, and down the front of the 
> protrusion.Continue the original cut (#1) down the passenger side, 
> and tie this cut
> into the cuts around the squared off protrusion. At some point, it may
> (will) require tool abuse, i.e. the use of a screwdriver, thin 
> chisel, or
> stiff putty knife, sharpened, (or not) to an edge, and used to 
> punch through
> and connect the cuts in this area. The good news here is that the 
> plastic is
> fairly pliable, and will not shatter.
> The next major incision (Cut #2) starts at the passenger side top rear
> corner of the heater box, and across the top of the box to the 
> driver'sside. Due to space constraints (barely enough room for 
> hand and saw, even
> with the wiper assembly removed) I cut to a line straight across 
> the top,
> intersecting the front of the triangular reinforcing gussets. 
> Extend this
> cut down the driver's side, keeping as far to the rear as 
> possible, and
> angling forward to end at the top right (rear) of the opening for 
> the heater
> core inlet/outlet. This same cut will extend down the passenger 
> side, just
> forward of the air control cable support, holding the cable up and 
> out of
> the way during this cut. Extend the cut down the passenger side, 
> as far as
> possible.
> At this point, the whole top piece, with air flaps and control 
> linkage still
> attached, will lift up, hinging on the material remaining on the lower
> passenger side, and pull up far enough to lift out the heater 
> core. Mop up
> the antifreeze and plastic sawdust with a rag, slide in the new 
> core, and
> re-connect the hoses.  Once the system has been fired up and leak-
> tested,the cut lines can be sealed with Silicon RTV, Goop, duct 
> tape, or <insert
> favorite>. Reattach air mixing flap controls, and re-secure the 
> cable to the
> heater box.
> Heat,.. and not a moment too soon.
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