Heater Core-ectomy Gory Details Part 1

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Oct 7 16:05:50 EDT 2004

At 03:04 PM 10/7/2004 -0400, mwoodland at Valicor.com wrote:
>>Please clarify the actual time savings resulting from cutting versus
>>removing the heater box.
>Well, since I didn't take the 'factory' approach, and don't know the flat
>rate, I wouldn't begin to guess, but the thought of pulling the dash lower
>covers, center console, removing all of the ducting, pulling and labeling
>the vacuum lines, etc, etc, just left me cold.
>Not to mention that I'm not so short sighted as to think it would be my last
>trip into the box.
>I only have 280K on this car, and fully expect to replace the blower and
>core at LEAST one more time before I get to 1,000,000 miles.
>The next time, I should be able to R&R the core in under a half hour.
>Plus, I like to cut stuff up.
>My next monograph will address cutting holes in the fenders to R&R the

LOL.  How about one on how to hack out the headlights on a 200 without
removing the bumper and trim?

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