OK so Audi is BACK in the news again...

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Fri Oct 8 16:26:26 EDT 2004

At 3:50 PM -0400 10/8/04, Bob wrote:
>A6 Recall..for sticky throttles, great.

About 2-3 years ago someone in the NE region who owns and operates 
two used Audi dealerships, told a bunch of us one night after an 
event that a lot of customers with certain cars were seeing sticky 
throttles in the cold.

His theory, I believe, was that moisture would condense on the 
throttle from crankcase vapors, and then when you got on the highway, 
the air movement would cool the intake and throttle externally and 
lots of cold air would be coming in through the intake.  Snap 
freezing at partial throttle, or ice buildup keeping the throttle 
from closing, would result.  Shut off the car, come to a stop- latent 
heat from the engine warms everything up- problem gone.

It had a clear delineation (5v v6's sounds about right, but it was a 
while ago) and he was upset that Audi wasn't doing anything about it, 
even though he had reported to AoA seeing it on a number of cars.

I wish corporations would realize full disclosure and proactive 
efforts benefits them in the long run.  I think most reasonable 
people would be more impressed by a company that admits to faults 
(say, immediately, so customers know what to look out for?) and fixes 
them quickly.  A recall on a model that's 5-6 years old does not 
impress anyone- bears the hallmark of "oh, you FINALLY decided to do 
something about it?"

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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