euro explosion

Bruce Kaye kaye at
Sun Oct 10 11:21:27 EDT 2004


I broke a euro lens a month ago on a road trip and the List sent me to VM 
Autohaus in Burnaby BC.  I'm not sure which car you have but for the Typ 44 
euro lens they helped do a group buy a few years ago and stocked 
replacement lens as they knew some would get broken.  The cost of the 
replacement lens which is held on with easy remove clips was around $80 Can 
+ shipping.

I have no connection to them other than being a happy customer.


At 04:20 PM 10/9/2004, Chris Dyer wrote:
>Good lord god almighty I'm f'ing pi$$ed!!!
>My new used eurolights from Germany arrived, and I proceeded to break one 
>of the lenses! AAARRRRGGG!!!! (driver's side)  F a doodle doo, my head's 
>gonna unscrew and fly off.
>Until I can find a suitable lens replacement, is it worthwhile installing 
>1 side?  I ask only cuz I'm anxious to get more light in the night, even 
>if it's only for my passenger. ;)
>thanks for the venting space
>from chrisdyer at
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