85 Coupe GT steering rack bolts

Jim Dupree jdupree914 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Oct 17 04:04:37 EDT 2004

All 4 of the 4000 series car I owned had these bolts loosen up and I have
found them loose on many customer cars. It is the first thing I look at if
the steering feels loose.
The bolts actually thread into the rack, they don't just go through a hole
and have a nut on the bottom. So first you have to tighten the bolts from
above and then hold them while you tighten the nuts below. It is easiest if
you have a friend help and get a 17mm wobbly socket (or universal joint and
socket) and long extension. You can position the rack where you can get the
bolts from above with your long extension and wobbly socket by going at and
angle next to the battery box. Tighten both bolts then have you friend hold
one bolt with extension and wobbly while you tighten the nuts from below.
You might be able to reach in thru the tie rod opening in the wheel well. Or
maybe reaching around behind the cylinder head. Since the rack is threaded
the torque on the bolts will hold the tight so you friend will not have to
hold very much tension. I have even been successful tighten the top and then
the bottom with out holding the top.
Good luck

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Hall" <badcomrade at gmail.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:20 PM
Subject: 85 Coupe GT steering rack bolts

> The two bolts that connect the tie rod bracket to the steering rack
> piston are loose on my car.  Seems from what I can see, you have to
> have a wrench under and on top of the bolt / nut to tighten them.  I
> moved the steering left to right to try and find a position that would
> allow for the easiest access to the bolts, but I can't figure out how
> I'd be able to get two wrenches in there to tighten the bolts.
> Anyone BTDT?
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Chris Hall
> badcomrade at gmail.com
> "making girls cry since 1974"
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