5000TQ trany noise under lock

Denis sparkplugvw at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 17 11:36:10 EDT 2004

  Thanks. simple answers, resolve big problems ;-).
  Well,,, the first thing to look for was the tires diameters, NOT tires size.

  I got a flate last week,, then i changed one front tire with an old one i had here.
  Then this week i got another flate, in front too...... its only after i changed tires i noticed the vibration.
  I checked  the tires size and height (i mixed the wotd hight) and seems to be very similar..... but this morning i mesured them and,,, oups the replaced ones are 1/2 less on diameter.....

  But to be sure i ll check the with the all wheels up and for witnter SAME sizes tires...

  I did tought even 1/4 inchs would affect so much.... i tought the tires sizes from diff brand was the same diam... well not ,, the Quattro need same brand same sizes and same tire # for all 4 corners...

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Ado Sigal 
    To: Denis 
    Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 11:53 PM
    Subject: Re: 5000TQ trany noise under lock

    Denis wrote:

  T125 80 17 spare from a V8. When i ran with it the was no noise with the lock off.
  The 5000TQ is for 15 wheel and its too small.

  205 55 16 tires

  The noise is not there on lock at off.



  Consider that what is happening is normal, since diff is locked, any discrepancy in tire diameter or path length will be forcefully adjusted by slipping the tires no matter what, hence the vibration. For that reason the lock should br used only on loose ground, snow, mud etc., and not at manoeuvring speed. New cars switch the diff automatically at low speed, since the car is impossible to manoeuvre with lock on. Yes right for the rear one;100Q, 90Q, 80Q.. I would say not to worry, but rather don't use the diff lock when it isn't needed.ok
    If you want to test it, lift the car all wheels up, run it with lock engaged and turn the steering Nice idea , its what i was thinking last night.... There would be no vibration at any speed and steering from lock to lock. Drop the car and just try to move it slightly with wheels turned and see what happens; same noise you've experienced before. If your car however makes any noise or vibration when of the ground, then things need to be investigated.ok thanks



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