complete autocheck disable?

Keith Lawyer LawyerKG at
Mon Oct 18 16:02:16 EDT 2004

>>> Robert Myers <robert at> 10/18/04 01:40PM >>>
>You can disable it completely simply by removing the bulbs which back
>>light  the display.  Well, maybe not "disable" but certainly eliminate
the >display.

True enough, but that was why I specified "visual and auditory."  Seems
it could still scream at me, no?  The constant screech is like nails on
a chalkboard, and has made for some seemingly unsafe situations as I
pull off in morning traffic or restart the car while still moving.

NOW, failing my request for complete disable, can anyone tell me if the
Autocheck has a dedicated chime or shares the chime w other functions
(doors open, headlights on, radio on?).  If dedicated, perhaps I could
simply disable the auditory function of Autocheck?

>The garbled display is usually found to be the result of  corrosion
and >>>resulting poor contact between mating halves of a couple of
multi-pin >connectors inside the instrument cluster.  A couple of
onnect/disconnect >cycles usually "repairs" the display.

I've actually had the instrument cluster in & out a few times with no
change.  There's no doubt I could use a greater understanding of
electronics, but right now I don't have the time or desire to repair a
system which tells me things I don't need to know (somehow all of us who
own 4ks and other pre-autocheck cars have "managed" all these years
LOL).  Of course all this assumes that disabling the system is less
time-intensive than repairing it (I randomly get the gas pump symbol,
oil pressure symbol and garbled display; for the time being brakes have

>If you want to eliminate that function simply cut the wires where they
>>enter the pads, short the two wires  together and "Voila!" -  No more
>>brake pad warnings.

If only it were true.  I tried to repair this symptom sometime ago.  I
searched the archives and did as you describe on both sides, but no
change.  A deeper search of the archives revealed that I could trace
wires or just jumper some pins at the Auotcheck module itself, which led
me to the idea of simply disabling the system entirely.  Here's what I
came across, FWIW (and per the description only covers thru '88, I dunno
if my '90 has the module in the same location):

"Here is the Dave Head 'We don't need no stinking idiot lights' trick:
> You have to remove the Auto-Check main control unit - to the center
the car and above the glove box under the dash. Once out, there is a 35
pin connector to it.  One end has a fork end. Counting from the other
(latch end) - 1-18 on top, 19-35 on bottom. Bottom shound be smooth.
Jumper from pin 21 (sensor) to pin 27 (ground - always brown). This will
put the light out. Good fix for all 85-88 5KS, 5Kt, 5Kq, 5Ktq. Bentley
pages 96.28 and 96.29 refers.
> Book tells you to go through the console AC controller to get to it.
found it much easier to access via the glove box removal method. This
method simply inserts a signal that tells the Auto Check that the
circuit is
> complete. Remember to check your brake pads often and put a note in
the glovebox for any future owner..."

Perhaps I can just remove the Autocheck module and be done with it?

Keith L
'90 200

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