01A questions

David.Payne at brinksinc.com David.Payne at brinksinc.com
Tue Oct 19 07:52:56 EDT 2004

On closer inspection I see that the needle cages are different diameters
for the different gear locations.
It's not as simple, but I suppose you could weld the gear sets onto
position specific hubs.  This is what is done for second gear in the 901
and 915 Porsche boxes.
Thanks, Dave.

|         |           sdewitt at stx.rr.com                         |
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|         |           10/18/04 05:34 PM                          |
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  |       To:       David.Payne at brinksinc.com                                                                                    |
  |       cc:       quattro at audifans.com                                                                                         |
  |       Subject:  Re: 01A questions                                                                                            |

Q1:  89-01 cars Q2: Both
Q2: No quattro gears are specific to quattro boxes (with a few exceptions)
Q3: No gear positions are not interchangable.
Q3: Yes and 01E can be installed in it's place provided you use the right
shift linkages and output shafts.
Q4: Yes the 01E has different gears from different models, no they are not
position switchable.
Q5: No you cannot move the gears around

----- Original Message -----
From: David.Payne at brinksinc.com
Date: Monday, October 18, 2004 11:52 am
Subject: 01A questions

> What cars did this gearbox come in?  2wd and Quattro?  Are the
> individualgears interchangeable, between gearboxes, and between
> positions inside the
> gearbox (i.e. can the 3rd gear set be used in the 4th gear
> location etc.)?
> The Porsche 901, 915, and G50 have this capability (within each
> size) and
> makes it pretty easy to pick and choose the ratios you want.
> Can a 01E be installed in place of a 01A, and does the 01E have the
> capability to change ratios?
> Looking at the microfiche for a 90 Quattro, it looks like you
> might be able
> to move the gears around.
> Dave.
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