complete autocheck disable?

quattro at quattro at
Wed Oct 20 13:22:11 EDT 2004

> I also would suggest unpluging the two plugs that go into the autocheck.
> They are pretty obvious if you have had the instrument cluster out. They are
> on either side of the back of it. BTW, I agree with you, I don't need my car
> to tell me when the washer fluid is low, brake pads, etc. Especially when it
> is wrong (the wifes always says low fuel). The 4kq is perfect for me.

Do you carry your children in this car?

Do you love your children?

The answer to one of the above must be "No".  Or - you haven't looked in
the driver's handbook.  How the hell else do you know that the
hydraulic pump is failing to deliver adequate pressure?

Sure - it bitches about trivial stuff.  But whose fault is that?  It
also bitches about stuff you can't see.  That might kill you.  Frankly,
I don't give a stuff about that - but I would care if you killed your
wife or children.

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