ADMIN: Outlook Express users

ben bwpearre at
Fri Oct 22 12:44:22 EDT 2004

Well, I certainly hope that everyone who didn't want to read about
email software already killed this thread :) Seriously, I apologise
in advance for the off-topic followup.

As an ex-sysadmin, I'd just like to emphasise: please do give
something other than Outlook Express a try.  OE is THE most-used
security hole in Windows.  A huge number of the system compromises I
see are due to it.  Switch to something else!

If you insist on running OE, at least learn about its security
problems and how to not accidentally tell a virus to install itself on
your system, AND make sure that you go to
FREQUENTLY (once a week is not enough!), AND keep your virus-checker
up to date (again, at least every couple of days).  Most of that can
be automated, and it will help considerably.  Please?

Of course, if you're running Windows, you should do the second and
third of those anyway, since Windows is about as resistant to viri as
Hyatt is to the Audi gremlins <-- obligatory Audi content ;)


Ben Pearre     1990 200TQA "Hyatt"

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