Sean Ford audi_99_a6q at
Mon Oct 25 20:56:00 EDT 2004

--- Shaun Mullen <smullen at UDel.Edu> wrote:
> The insidiousness of Sean Ford's response cannot go unchallenged. 
>  Urging people to vote is not crap.  Turning that on it's head by in 
> turn urging people to arm themselves is vile.

It is the right of every American to own a gun. It is also the right of every
American to vote. Why is one right vile? Perhaps you've heard of the 2nd

> Lke Mr. Ford, it drives me crazy when listers diverge from things Audi 
> to grind their own axes.  But it's different for me when the ax being 
> ground is something that I too feel strongly about.  In that spirit I 
> unequivocally second Brett's eloquent plea to register and vote.

You see, you don't get to vote on this list about what is ok to send to the
list, it must be Audi related, not what-I-really-feel-important related. When
one of the Admins decides that it's time to change the rules, that in turn
opens the flood gates. 

> I covered eight presidential elections as a reporter and editor before 
> retiring from the newspaper business, and am here to tell you that the 
> 2004 campaign is far and away THE most important of them all.

I've voted in every Presidential election since 1988 as a citizen and I'm here
to tell you that they're all important. That being said, this is not the
correct forum for this discussion. 

Sean [1999 A6 2.8q]

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