Coupe GT Hood release cable *snap*

John Cassidy JCassidy at
Fri Oct 29 11:18:57 EDT 2004

> imagine there are tools out there for attaching those things to
> cable... bike shops probably use them daily for handbrake levers, etc.

>Not anymore they don't, not in the UK anyway. Can't remember the last >time

>that I custom-made a cable - 10 years ago maybe. Most bike shops don't
>the parts or the tools for this task anymore and few of their staff >>would

>know how to use them.

Not in the US either. That's because a replacement inner cable for a bike
goes for about $1.00.  And, if it broke on one end, it's probably ready to
break on the other.  Most bike mechanics I know (used to be one) could
handle it, but it would cost much more than a buck in time and material.

John Cassidy
Silver City Cabinets
2905 No. Montana Ave
Helena, MT  59601
406-443-7305  ex. 222
406-442-2450 fax
406-202-0643  cell

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