Need the 411 on 25-valve I5

sdewitt at sdewitt at
Fri Oct 29 13:39:30 EDT 2004

That head never made it into a production car. There are a few websites that show in detail how the engine was designed. 

The Talladega car was far from a 5000 turbo quattro. I think the only production pieces used on that car was the roof panel. The engine was physically moved closer to one side of the vehicle, as well as fiber bodywork and plastic windscreens.

----- Original Message -----
From: David <duandcc_forums at>
Date: Friday, October 29, 2004 11:16 am
Subject: Need the 411 on 25-valve I5

> Does anyone know where I can get more information on the 25-valve 
> (5-valve per cylinder) I-5 that was used in the Typ44 at the  
> Talladega Speed Way?
> All I know is On March 24th, 1986 an Audi 5000CS Turbo Quattro set 
> a one-lap closed course speed record for four-wheel drive vehicles 
> at Talladega Speedway. The Audi, with Bobby Unser at the wheel, 
> reached a on-lap average speed of 206.825 mph over the 2.66 mile 
> high-banked speedway. A pic of the 25 valve head can be seen at 
> I want more information, like more pics of the engien, specs, whether the head was ever made into a production unit, etc...
> Thanks,
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