What have I done? (long)
S Dewitt
sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Sun Oct 31 11:26:32 EST 2004
If you have enough water in the exhaust to create clouds of steam, then the
car has either been submerged to the point to get the exhaust filled with
water, or you indeed blow a headgasket. You might want to check the drips
coming from the exhaust, if it is sweet then that is coolant, and the only
other place it can come from is due to a cracked turbo housing. Is there
water in the oil? A cracked block is unlikely, but a cracked head could also
be the culprit.
I hope you didn't pay too much for this car.
Scott DeWitt
Advanced Automotion
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Broussard" <ijbroussard at hotmail.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 10:15 AM
Subject: What have I done? (long)
> Hello Listers,
> It's been a couple of years since my last post, I think I have my 10V
> (sorry Jim no EFI yet, but it is running again). So I decided what the
> lets try my luck with a 20V. This is turning out to be a mistake.
> The saga starts like this. I purchased a 91 200 20V on 9/30/04. The car
> LOOKS to be in great condition. The person I purchased the car from had
> records for the car and it gave me the impression the car should be in
> condition. Problems disclosed before the purchase: Seat heaters don't
> Boost is 1.3 bar, and cruse control doesn't work. No big deal I can fix
> those. Took the car in for an inspection and the shop found the following
> problems: Break pads shot, missing bolts from the oil pan, rack boots
> cracked and leaking, exhaust rusted out, leak coming from the top of the
> tranny, break lines cracked, hoses look original and worn, AC not cold,
> shocks worn.
> I decide, while it's at the shop lets look into the boost problem. At this
> point I should add, I used to work at this shop when I was in high school,
> so I know the owner. The owner and I decided to pull the codes to see
> going on. We got the Error code for the Hall sender, but it was
> intermittent. I tell the owner, the timing belt is somewhat new and maybe
> they screwed the timing up. We turn the motor to TDC and pull the
> distributor cap, and what do I find, a pool of oil. Oh boy this is not
> Clean the oil out and the timing was way off. Fix the timing put it all
> together and take it out for a test drive and things look to be some what
> fixed. The car won't hit 1.7 unless I use the Bentleys test method, but it
> does hit 1.7. If I drive it with my foot to the floor I only get 1.5, go
> figure.
> Any ways I decide I will fix the problems in order of safety, brakes
> hoses second, new distributor third.
> On my way to work on 10/21 I see a huge cloud of smoke and the temp gauge
> starts shooting up. I knew exactly what happened. Pulled over and shut it
> off Immediately. Had it towed to the shop. I got a hose kit this weekend
> replaced all the coolant hoses. Fired it up, let it warm up for a while
> revved it up to 3K RPM's and lots of white smoke. Turned it off and called
> it quits for a while.
> Now for the question, what are the chances I didn't blow the head gasket
> it is just water in the exhaust. I really don't want to deal with the
> I call my Dad for a second opinion and he mentions I might have cracked
> block. What are the chances of that? Monday if I feel up to it I'll pull
> plugs and take a look, but for the moment I'm going to sit in the corner
> cry.
> Any thoughts and comments would be appreciated.
> -Jason
> 86 5K CSTQ Blausport cam, G60 Conversion, steal braided brake lines, K24,
> 1.8 bar, 20V suspension, 200 interior, Fuch Rims (Car soon to be for sale
> pay for the 20V's problems)
> 91 200 20V TQ stock and falling apart.
> Boulder Co.
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