a3 on the way to NA

Mike Veglia msvphoto at pacbell.net
Wed Sep 1 12:16:10 EDT 2004

In a message dated 8/31/2004 "Matt Evans" <matt at mattevans.org> writes:
<< I suspect you've watched enough racing to know that just because you've
bounced off the limiter once doesn't mean "hey, I'll just upshift!" >>
I've watched a little racing in my day too. Upshifts in a modern day F1 car are "automatic" at redline too. In racing, the goal is to _not_ hit the rev limiter...that is in those series' that have rev limiters at all (I'll be nice lest my detest for "crapwagons" rear it's ugly head). If you're "bouncing off the limter" you're probably not going as fast as those who aren't. I don't drive 'em, but I do work as close to the cars as the corner workers.
Honestly, I really don't see how an automatic upshift instead of the abrupt cutout that rev limiters do can't be seen as anything but an improvement--especially for a road car. Hitting overboost cut out and the rev limiter are two things I have always tried to avoid in my quattros just because it "feels" wrong.

Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography

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