Fw: Lifter tick

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Thu Sep 2 16:21:21 EDT 2004

Here are some observations I posted to the V8Q list a while ago:

You might be thinking about the I5 and I4 filter, not the V8Q.  The mid
eighties 5 series takes a Mann 719/15, which may fit and look the same, 
but has internal differences from the Audi/VW application 719/5 and
The cheaper 719/5 (fits 5KS) LOOKS exactly the same as the more expensive
719/30 (fits 200TQ), but internally they are completely different,  one
has the check valve on top, the other has an open element with the check
valve deep in the filter.  This serves to further illustrate Steve B's
original point, that just because they look similar, doesn't necessarily
mean they can be interchanged.
That being said, I have run the 200TQA on the cheaper 719/5 filter (my
bad, I had a stock of 5KS filters and assumed they were the same), with
no real noticeable difference except for a slight difference in oil
pressure and lifter clatter on startup with the cheaper filter.  Lifter
noise disappeared with the 719/30 in place. 


"Phil Payne" <quattro at isham-research.com> writes:

> For some bizarre reason the right OEM filter is marked "turbo" even 
> though it's the right one
> for a number of non-turbo cars.

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