EC stoops to a new low, Porsche design team finds a brain

Andrew Buc a_buc at
Sun Sep 5 18:27:24 EDT 2004

More proof, if any were needed, that you shouldn't believe everything 
you read!

On Sunday, September 5, 2004, at 03:05 PM, Brett Dikeman wrote:

> European Car just arrived, with a photo of the new 911.
> There's some idiot behind the wheel pretending to be driving, and the 
> photo has been poorly edited to look like the car is blazing down the 
> highway- they blurred the rims, but not the tires.  So you can see 
> dirt and tread on the front tire, for example.  I've seen people on 
> car webboards do a better job of photoshopping stuff they've taken.
> The horror doesn't stop with the photos. 

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