EC stoops to a new low, Porsche design team finds a brain

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Tue Sep 7 14:17:20 EDT 2004

Ed Kellock wrote:
> I let my EC sub go a couple years ago.  It ceased having much that I
> felt was pertinent and they're editorial staff has always lacked a
> certain... uh, skill. 

I'm a big fan of Grassroots Motorsports.  It started out as an autocross 
magazine, but now does a lot with racing on the cheap.  Good articles 
on building and maintaining "sports" cars.  They do a yearly Challenge 
-- what can you build for less than (this year) $2004 that will out drag,
out autocross, and out concours the competition. It is truly amazing 
some of the machines that compete.

And if you are into British cars, their sister magazine
Classic Motorsports is also excellent.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy"

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