My headlights suck! What can I do?

Robert Myers robert at
Wed Sep 8 08:59:27 EDT 2004

At 05:40 AM 9/8/2004 -0700, Tyson Varosyan wrote:

>I got an 86 4kcsq with US headlights! These lights plain out SUCK!

Really?  ;-)

>I have
>been looking for euro H1/H4 lights for some time now on eBay but have not
>been able to find them. Any other places I should look?

Blaufergnugen is a good possibility.  Not cheap but...

>Is there anything
>that can be done to my stock lights to get them to actually brighten the
>road in front of me?

Light a candle?  Ask your SO to walk ahead with a flashlight?  Wait for 
dawn?  I think that's about what's available if you retain the DOT approved 
lighting.  :-(

>My aftermarket fog lights make more useful light output
>than the stock headlights.
>And yes, I have already aligned them. Point them up and you don't see
>anything as the beam doesn't go far. Point em down and you can see maybe 20
>yards in front, beyond that, its and unknown void of space!
>Tyson Varosyan

Random Bushism: "The great thing about America is everybody should 
vote."  George W. Bush, Austin, Texas, Dec. 8, 2000
Robert L. Myers  304-574-2372
Fayetteville, WV, USA
'95 urS6 - Cashmere Grey

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